Hi, I'm Anne from www.wohlfuehlrendite.de. I'm a banker, economist, real estate appraiser and I love holiday properties! On my blog I tell you about my experiences with the co-ownership model and write about everything that has to do with investments in holiday properties. Among other things, you'll find a co-ownership diary and a calculator that will give you a quick overview of the costs for your co-ownership share(s). Have a look!
Dear readers,
One thing is certain: Co-ownership is the new trend in the holiday property market! But is it also a good investment?
This question has been on my mind 24/7 for the past few months. But it's best to start from the beginning....
When looking for a (preferably affordable) family holiday with my husband and two children, I almost despaired. Several thousand euros for two weeks of sun? That can not be. There must be something cheaper or at least something that is really worth the money.
And that's not all: it's insanely difficult to find holiday accommodations that you really like and for which it's worth spending so much money. Most of the time you get annoyed on the spot and when the two weeks of holidays are over, you are more frustrated than if you had just stayed at home. It's happened to all of us, hasn't it?
I have always asked myself in such situations: How can I manage to spend an all-around nice holiday with my loved ones without having to spend the family income of several months on my head and still feel really comfortable on holidays?
During my research, I came across the co-ownership model. Several families share a luxury holiday property and take turns staying there. Yes, that's right: a LUXUS - holiday property! With pool, fitness room and all the trimmings... How is that supposed to work? I'll take a closer look at that first!
The more I thought about this model, the more I brought the two topics 'holiday' and 'investment' together in my head. Actually nonsense, after all such a family holiday is rather a money destroyer than an investment. Or is it? Wait a minute... An investment in a holiday property could actually serve both, couldn't it?
I asked myself, what is a good investment for me? A number on my bank statement that grows as quickly and sustainably as possible? Or is it perhaps more than that? Why shouldn't I just cash out my return in dream holidays?
After all, hardly any time of the year is as important to us as our holiday. We need it to relax, to let go, to come down, to get together with family and friends. If you consider a holiday property not only as a pure rental object, but spend holidays there yourself, the whole topic becomes directly more emotional. Here, it's not just a question of what income I generate with the property. The question is much more how I can get the best possible benefit from my investment. And what could be better than an all-round feel-good holiday in a real dream holiday property?
It's much better than looking at the ups and downs on my portfolio statement all the time. At least for me! Do not misunderstand, everyone ticks there differently. Everyone is his own luck forge and everyone feels differently comfortable with an investment. That is completely individual!
But on the following mental game everyone should get involved once: If I put my savings into a holiday property, I get much more back than just money. I get a wonderful time with the family, I get a second home, I get a feel-good holiday that I would never have dared to dream of before.
This is not just an ordinary return. This is better! It's a real feel-good return on investment!
And that's how my journey began. Just come with me for a while ;-)
Your Anne
Buying a share of a holiday home: What sets apart timesharing and co-ownership?
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